Monday, January 27, 2014


Now I guess someone is about to slit my throat fort his statement. It sounds as awkward as Jesus saying to the Pharisees that He is the son God, right?
If you are not familiar with this quote, then we need to ask like they ask first timers in my church: “where have you been?”, because this quote has been on the scene of motivational talks and inspirational messages for decades:
But let take some audit; is it really true? Are readers truly leaders?
I am going to start with a confession; I really don’t read. Yes you read that right; I have hardly finished a book cover to cover. Now that’s very bad and please note that I am not writing this note to justify my weaknesses.
I have met a lot of people who have read all the books of and about great achievers you can think of in business and ministry; books by the likes of Bishop Oyedepo, Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo, Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Richard Branson, Bill Gate and so on. They have read it cover to cover infact for some, more than once. The shock is that nothing seem to change in their lives, if any, then it’s a negative change; things seems to get worse than better.
Here’s who they are;
Yes that’s the word: DOERS.
When Moses’ successor Joshua was to take over the leadership of Israel, Joshua 1:8 says that he should meditate (not read) the book of law, that he may observe to DO what is written therein, then his way will be prosperous. This looks to me like God was running an induction course for Joshua and He told him that the secret to His success is to DO (not to read) all that is written in the book of the law.
James 1:22 tells us to be doers and not just hearers of the word. He also goes on to imply that otherwise we are living in deception. This explains to me the deception of a lot of people who think that just by reading they will be on top. That’s a fantasy that will only happen to Alice in the Wonderland. Leaders are not known by what they read or read. They are known by what they do or did. The fact that you have read all the books that exist on earth on business does not automatically make you a business mogul. For your information you are still a business rookie. Have you ever seen a footballer who became a great footballer by watching matches? He will still play like an amateur on his first day on the field.
The amount of information you have is of no use. It is the percentage of that information that you can turn into knowledge and put into profitable action that counts.
Does that mean you should not read? NO.
Because you can’t do what you don’t know. No one can do more than he knows just like no one wants to do less than he knows. Information comes from reading (or listening as the case may be), Knowledge comes from meditating (studying) what has been read, then Action is only an end result because knowledge is power. Whatever you know and can’t do, you don’t know.
Information overload is also the result of reading without doing. Information overload describes a situation where you have so much information stacked up in your brain and so little of it transformed into action. So there is no space take in more and when you even try to take in more, the new information begins to confuse the old one, because they were not meant to meet each other in the brain. The old one should have been burnt up in action
I will rather have read few books but have put into action all that is there in, than read a shelf of books and practice so little.
Here’s the conclusion of the matter: Study to show thy self approved. Then observe to do all that you have studied.

Bodurin Oludare

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity

You know exercise is good for you, but do you
know how good? From boosting your mood to
improving your sex life, find out how exercise can
improve your life.
By Mayo Clinic Staff

Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps
even live longer? Look no further than exercise.
The health benefits of regular exercise and
physical activity are hard to ignore. And the
benefits of exercise are yours for the taking,
regardless of your age, sex or physical ability.
Need more convincing to exercise? Check out
these seven ways exercise can improve your life.

No. 1: Exercise controls weight
Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or
help maintain weight loss. When you engage in
physical activity, you burn calories. The more
intense the activity, the more calories you burn.
You don't need to set aside large chunks of time
for exercise to reap weight-loss benefits. If you
can't do an actual workout, get more active
throughout the day in simple ways — by taking
the stairs instead of the elevator or revving up
your household chores.

No. 2: Exercise combats health conditions
and diseases
Worried about heart disease? Hoping to prevent
high blood pressure? No matter what your current
weight, being active boosts high-density
lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and
decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two
punch keeps your blood flowing smoothly, which
decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases. In
fact, regular physical activity can help you prevent
or manage a wide range of health problems and
concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome,
type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of
cancer, arthritis and falls.

No. 3: Exercise improves mood
Need an emotional lift? Or need to blow off some
steam after a stressful day? A workout at the gym
or a brisk 30-minute walk can help. Physical
activity stimulates various brain chemicals that
may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed.
You may also feel better about your appearance
and yourself when you exercise regularly, which
can boost your confidence and improve your self-

No. 4: Exercise boosts energy
Winded by grocery shopping or household
chores? Regular physical activity can improve
your muscle strength and boost your endurance.
Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and
nutrients to your tissues and help your
cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And
when your heart and lungs work more efficiently,
you have more energy to go about your daily

No. 5: Exercise promotes better sleep
Struggling to fall asleep? Or to stay asleep? Regular physical activity can help you fall
asleep faster and deepen your sleep. Just don't exercise too close to bedtime, or you
may be too energized to fall asleep.

No. 6: Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life
Do you feel too tired or too out of shape to enjoy physical intimacy? Regular physical
activity can leave you feeling energized and looking better, which may have a
positive effect on your sex life. But there's more to it than that. Regular physical
activity can lead to enhanced arousal for women. And men who exercise regularly
are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than are men who don't

No. 7: Exercise can be fun
Exercise and physical activity can be a fun way to spend some time. It gives you a
chance to unwind, enjoy the outdoors or simply engage in activities that make you
happy. Physical activity can also help you connect with family or friends in a fun
social setting. So, take a dance class, hit the hiking trails or join a soccer team. Find
a physical activity you enjoy, and just do it. If you get bored, try something new.

The bottom line on exercise
Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better, gain health benefits and
have fun. As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every
day. If you want to lose weight or meet specific fitness goals, you may need to
exercise more. Remember to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise
program, especially if you have any health concerns.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Start On Time Don’t Be Late…Vitamins of The Mind 114-TheSecret101

Age Is The Accumulation Of Time. It Cut Down The
Energy On Our Life Performance. So, Use Your Best
Time To Do The Best Thing That Will Produce The
Best For Your Life. Start On Time Don’t Be Late
The Best Time To Be Ready For Tomorrow Is
Neither Yesterday Nor Today. You Are Getting Late
By Yesterday You Are Very Late Today. The Best
Time To Be Ready For Tomorrow Is Two Days Ago.

Whatever You Don’t Do On Time Will Jeopardize
Your Right To Be The Champion In Life. Train And
Prepare On Time, Get To Work Early, Start Your
Day On Time. Time Work For Life, If You Want The
Best Of Life Work With Time.

Don’t Be Late, Lateness Steals The Joy Of Life, It
Reduces Your Chance For Greatness And Places
You At The Second Position. Get There Early Get
Your Result Faster.

Don’t Be Late Life Is In Hurry To Let Go For
Whosoever That Care. One Extra Minutes Can
Create The Gap That You Can’t Bridge For The Rest
Of Your Life. It’s Better To Be Waiting For Life,
Than Life Waiting For You.

Time Is The Secret To Life Success. Take Charge
Of Your Life By Containing Your Time. Be There On
Time, You Will Get Result So Fast. In The School
Of Life A Wasted Time Is A Wasted Life.

The Distant To Your Destination Is A Product Of
Your Respect For Time. Time Is Extremely Quiet
But Very Audible At The Same Time. Time Speaks
Lateness Is One Of The Strategies Use By The
Enemy To Steal What Belongs To You. If You Have
Miss Anything Up To Date, You Can Trace It To
Your Lack Of Respect For Time.

Don’t Be Behind Schedule Of Life. Be There On
Time, Get There Utilize The Time. The Only Time
You Have Is The One You Have Now. Remember,
The Law Of Use What You Don’t Use You Lose.

You Can Lose Every Thing, Don’t Let it Be Your
Time. You Can Lose Money But Don’t Lose Time.
You Can Lose Resources But Don’t Lose Time.
You Can Lose Your Energy But Don’t Lose Time.

Time Is The Greatest Value In The Whole Universe.
Start Your Life On Time Don’t Be Late

…Be Inspired, Help Others, And Live Abundance

The Secret Man
Rotimi Adedokun

Saturday, January 18, 2014

How to Stand Out from the Crowd- Excellence!

Excellence is the possession of good quality in an unusual degree. As God’s ambassadors, we must represent him accurately. Excellence is doing things right. But before we consider how to do it right, lets ensure we are doing the right thing. Excellence in the wrong thing still spells failure.
You cannot just be efficient for efficiency’s sake. We must also be effective. Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Defining your assignment is the starting point for you to achieve excellence. State clearly your vision in life or the vision of your organization. This defines the limit of the areas in which to achieve excellence as a person or organization.
Some people say that you have to choose between quality and quantity. This is not true because the more quality you have, the more quantity you attract. The more you do things better, the more you will be patronized.
There is another myth that says you must have large amounts of money before you can achieve excellence. The truth is, you need excellence to attract a large amount of money. If you will improve on the quality of what you are doing, your customers will increase; this translates into more money for you. Do not ask, “What will this cost us?” Rather ask, “What will it cost us if we do not do it?””
Things are changing around us every day. A person or organization that is outdated cannot be relevant to a contemporary world. If you are still making use of your old manual typewriter when you are supposed to be doing your work with great speed on a computer, it may mire a lot of things. We must endeavor to up-date ourselves with new technologies.
Excellence motivates, especially in an underdeveloped environment like ours. We should inspire the people around us by our actions. Our organizations should be places of inspiration. What is that unique thing you have or your organization has that can inspire other people?
Striving for excellence shows people that we are serious about our assignment i.e. what we are doing and encourages them to want to be part of it. No matter how small a thing looks, if you have invested quality thoughts in it, people tend to appreciate and identify with it. Great works are a result of deep thoughts.
Like begets like. Excellence attracts good quality; human, financial and material resources. For example if you work in a bank and that bank is known for excellent customer service, i.e. within five minutes a customer has been attended to; people tend to flock to such banks. The same goes for supermarkets, salons, and various companies.
Life is progressive and not stagnant. We have to jog to maintain our position. If we remain stagnant, we risk failure. There is no pride in failure. We must appreciate excellence wherever it is found. Excellence attracts. We must strive for it. This is one of the keys to success in life.
If you run an organization, then make it an excellence-oriented organization. Look for ways to continually improve quality in services offered, events and your facilities.
Communication – i.e. your advert materials must portray excellence.
Customer service – when a service is good, one person tells a maximum of 5 people. But when the services are bad, one person tells 20 people. Now only 4% come back to complain but the remaining 96% speak with their feet.
Creativity- your staff must keep churning in ideas about how to do things in a better way.
Staff trainings – staffs should be exposed to world class improvement programmes for better performance. It is vital to keep learning.
Facilities- The organization’s facilities reveal what we value and reflect our self-image. Therefore, the excellence-oriented organization must thrive for excellence in the following areas:
The painting of the facilities and landscaping of the environment. Keep the plants and grasses well trimmed and all directional signs freshly painted.
The environment should be well lit, has comfortable seating arrangements and the temperature should be well managed with a cooling system.
The rest rooms should be clean. Visitors may forget what you say but not the memory of a foul-smelling restroom.
The appearance of staffs says a lot about your organization’s priority for excellence.
The excellence-oriented organization invests money in what people can see. Human beings are generally motivated and affected by what they see.
Excellence is more of a process than a product; a journey, not a destination. We should not make excellence a one- time goal. The key is never to stop learning. When you stop learning, you stop growing. Upgrade from time to time.
You will Succeed!

Sam Adeyemi

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The 5 Secrets For Life Revisitation

When I was introduced to living my life against just
existing, I grow with this popular saying that it
insanity to be doing the same thing over and over
and except different result. So permit me to
rephrase the statement, nothing will change if you
don’t change and nothing will happen if you don’t
God created complete man to complete this world,
so the man can be fully completed. That’s why
artist have to paint the pictures not God. Authors
of books have to write those inspired and
motivational words in the book and not God. So
the great job anybody can have is to be
responsible for life. Be responsible to change your
life and don’t live life like you use to. Be
responsible to make more sense while you talk
and not just talk like every other person.
Responsibility is the force in the school of life, so
appreciate and embrace it.
As taught by the giant, Jim Rohn what is easy to
do is also easy not to. Whatever that can create
the change and make us to start living our better
life is easy to do. It’s easy to read the books and
create the really life you want to life, It’s easy to
develop that winning attitude and start treating
people with fairness and respect, but unfortunately
what is easy to do is also easy not to do. To some
people to read article at http:// is not easy to do, to
respect and treat others with love and care is not
easy to do. This is the secret if the cost is too
high for you, the value will be too heavy for you to
take home, and life will never reward those that
cannot follow the rule.
In one of my articles title “The 20 Secrets for the
Year 2013″. I listed and explained how LOVE,
AND FOCUS can create the success for anyone in
2013, due to the law of universal what is easy to
do is also easy not to do, only few profit for the
above Truth. For the sake of the New Year, which
is new beginning I have come up with the 5
secrets to live a successful 2014.
1. Enquire From Life.
Sit to commune with life. What you don’t know is
much important than what you know. We live in
the world of differences, because there are two
types of people. The wise and the fool. The wise
communicate with life and make things happen,
but the fool refuse to ask and wonder what is
happening. Never be caught using common sense
that produce common people, common result and
trigger common destiny. It will be too expensive
for you to live your life without direction this year.
2. Learn All You Can.
What you don’t know will hurt you, and what you
can’t produce will eventually become your god and
enslave altogether. That is why people give their
resources to get anything latest, because they
don’t know what they need to know, so they will
pay for what other knows. Therefore, develop
capacity to retain your virtue, maintain your value
and remain your valor. The acquisition and
application of knowledge will make giant out of any
dwarf. For Your note 2014 is the year of learning.
3. Don’t Waste The Time.
Act fast on the knowledge acquire and run
tirelessly with your vision. There is time for
everything. Thinking otherwise is naive. Do not
waste time and do not waste life. Procrastination is
the virus that is installed into the system of a
failure, it reduces and finally stop the zeal for their
action. Never be caught doing nothing this year
engage your heart and life for exploit.
4. Ready For Life.
Be ready to make mistake, expect to be corrected
and be bold to start again. You can’t afford to
prepare when life shows up at your door. You
can’t tell Mr. Opportunity to wait at your door
while you call a friend to verify what he offers.
Believe me everything is risky, but nothing is more
risky than not taking risk. Robert Kiyosaki said
FEAR means “Fail Early And Responsible”. You
have to switch from getting ready to living ready.
Only the expectant will excel.
5. Mind Your Business.
Never be caught in the presence of what enrich
others that will not provide for you. The world is
created on the platform of equality but the 5% that
controls the 95% are wise to engage the 95% to
live, eat, think and imagine at their dictates. Don’t
be caught among the 95%, change your territory
switch your personality to the 5%.
5% don’t watch news with their valuable time, but
they create the news by their works.
5% don’t live their life at the mercy of others– their
lives is not governed by latest phones, cars,
wares…etc. Because they believe that a man’s life
is not value in the abundance of what people can
see, rather what people cannot see. The 5% are
living to determine the existence of the 95%–
corporate silvery. 5% makes the 95% work for the
money, but device a means to collect it.
Life Revisitation is life renewal and life renewal is
life success. Remember, you can’t fake it, those
who fake will never make it. It is still a new year
which means new beginning, so why not start your
new life now?
…be inspired, live abundant life And help others.

The Secret101
FB: Adedokun Rotimi
Twitter: @adedokunr

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Expression 1.0

Live in Abeokuta! EXPRESSION 1.0 (Phil 4:4) worship experience with 'MIDE & ANDREWS MUSIC FAMILY DATE: 14th of feb., 2014 TIME: 3p.m VENUE: Glory Place Christian Centre, 10 Folami Street, Onikolobo, Abeokuta Special Guest Appearance: S. H. O. U. T HOST: Pastor&Pastor Mrs. Kunle Soyoye

Confidence; Have You Got It?

Confidence is a belief in one’s own or another’s
abilities. It is also defined as faith or absolute
trust. We rise or fall to the level of our confidence.
Confidence attracts miracles. It attracts the right
kind of people into our lives. It enables us to
attempt great things. And when we attempt great
things we achieve great things. On the other hand,
fear, worry and doubt are ingredients of failure.
They attract negative people and negative
circumstances into our lives. They guarantee
defeat. To build confidence, you must get rid of
fear, worry and doubt.
You see, those who talk with confidence get
meaningful results. For prayers to be effective, it
has to be said in faith or confidence. Confidence
commands the flow of God’s supernatural power
on our behalf.
The enemy of confidence is inferiority complex.
Once we perceive ourselves as being inferior to
others or to situations and circumstances, we
become victims.
You are not a victim, you are a victor. You are
created in the image of God. You have the God-
given ability to overcome every challenge.
Whatever is confronting you today, rise up and
confront it.
Now, to build confidence, the first thing to do is to
live right before God. If your lifestyle is right with
God, nothing can harass you.
Perhaps you may have done something wrong and
you are feeling guilty. All you need to do is ask for
forgiveness from God and who ever you may have
wronged. Forget those past mistakes and move on.
Another key to confidence is The presence of God.
Knowing that God is with you boosts your
confidence just like when a child knows that his
father is standing right behind him. God’s
presence makes it impossible for you to be
scared. It gives you courage to dare things you
would not dare under normal circumstances.
Let the presence of God become more real to you
today, than the presence of your spouse, children
or friends. Talk to God today, He is your very
present help in the time of trouble.
Another key to confidence is the knowledge of
The more you discover about God, the stronger
your confidence grows. When He makes a
promise, it is inevitable that the promise will come
to pass. What looks like an impossible situation to
you is a very cheap case for God. He makes a way
where there seems to be no way. He can turn your
lack into abundance.
Fear is one of the enemies of faith or confidence.
Do not expect the worst to happen. Expect the
best. God has not given you the spirit of fear but of
love, of power and a sound mind.
Another enemy of confidence is worry.
Worry ruins people’s health and leads some to
worry, the farther miracles move away from you
because without faith or confidence, it is
impossible to please God.
Finally, dominate your doubts.
Doubts are not altogether bad. They bring caution
and lead to careful examination of the facts at
hand. However, we must not allow doubts to
become mountains in our minds, paralyzing our
initiative. Doubts can be destructive.
Eradicate doubts by focusing on the word of God
about your situation. Act on your dreams. Do the
things that you are afraid to do, but which you
know will lead to your breakthrough. God is on
your side. Take the giant step.

You will succeed
Sam Adeyemi


Proverbs 14:8b
...but the folly of fools is deceit.KJV
…but fools deceive themselves.NLT

The bad conduct of a foolish man is that he puts a cheat upon himself. He claims he has the control over his actions; he backed himself with stupid references so as to prove himself right against warnings and instructions. In the real sense, he does not rightly understand his way; he thinks he does, and so misses his way, and goes on in his mistake, thus; his foolishness cheats him into his own ruin.
A man that cheats others see those he cheated as fools, he thinks he doing a great brain work, cautioning him will only attracts insult because to him, he has the control of the situation, but, time his deeds overcame him, and the situation hijacked the control from him, and his foolishness takes over…the result? Only he can tell.
When a guy or a lady is being cautioned, they feel the cautions were just a scare crow that does not exist; they feel it’s just an unrealistic threat that will deprive them enjoyment of their time….and the result? Too late to change.
CHECK! Are you being cautioned against a thing? Do you feel it’s just old age that is disturbing the elders that make them shout at your actions? Do you feel the message of living right is just a mere religious principle? DON’T be deceived by the distractions, those that claims they are in charge of those distractions are enslaved by its power, there is always the other side of the coin!

Sobo Olayimikaakiri


Proverbs 14:8
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: …..KJV
The prudent understand where they are going,...NLT

The knowledge that one has about himself is a trait of WISDOM. The good conduct of a wise is that he knows himself and manages himself well. If the purpose of a thing is unknown, then abuse in inevitable. If we understand how not to live, then, the knowledge of how to live becomes automatic. Our prudence as Christians consists in a right understanding of our way; It is to understand our own way, not to be critics and busybodies in other men's matters, but to look well to ourselves and ponder the path of our feet, to understand the directions of our way, that we may observe them, the dangers of our way, that we may avoid them, the difficulties of our way, that we may break through them, and the advantages of our way, that we may improve them—to understand the rules we are to walk by and the ends we are to walk towards, and walk accordingly.

Sobo Olayimikaakiri

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Olajumoyimikaakiri...friends forever

Counsel 101(7)…Go For Wisdom Do not Neglect by The Secret Man

In the school of result how you do one thing, is how you will do everything. Attitude is the secret to greatest. As good attitude display wisdom so is bad attitude project foolishness (neglect).

Don't neglect to listen it will boost your capacity to stand straight and display your confidence. Don't neglect to meditate it will makes you to discover and locate answer to the things of life

Don't neglect to find peace it will connect you to the answer of life. Don't neglect to document everything by means of writing. It will register your name in the school of life.

Don't neglect and don’t forget life is fast spend as time never stop for anybody. Each time you waste equivalent to some parts of your life that you waste. Don't neglect to study, it is the only solution to shame. Shame don't give notice of visitation, but you can live ready to prevent it.

Don't neglect to observe it will prevent you from repeating the same mistake, and prepare you to live above your equals.Don't neglect to save all that you can save, it will give you confidence to face all you are going to face and finally build capacity to stop fear. Save time, energy and resources.

Don't neglect to give thanks, it is the secret to multiplication, addiction and abundance. It will finally launch you into the world of unlimited capacity. Don’t forget to pray, it is the secret to get what you want on time, and to get what you desire and deserve. Don't neglect to give your life to Jesus He is the source to every good thing of life.

Don't forget to listen and pay attention to details. It will makes you to catch the moment of truth. Never neglect every little thing because everything matter. What you think that doesn’t matter will comes back to create the matter of your life.

Everything is for a reason as life is for a purpose. Everything breeds every other thing. The different from people that makes the different and the people don't is that the former embrace wisdom and attach importance to every little things and the latter never care-whatever that wants to happen can happen.

Never neglect given your best to acquire wisdom. Don’t neglect and don’t forget that everything count for or against you. Don’t neglect if you don’t want to regret.

This Is My Counsel For You Today…Because In The Multitude Of Counsel There Is Safety.

The Secret Man
Rotimi Adedokun
follow: @adedokunr
In the school of result how you do one thing, is how you will do everything. Attitude is the secret to greatest. As good attitude display wisdom so is bad attitude project foolishness (neglect).

Don't neglect to listen it will boost your capacity to stand straight and display your confidence. Don't neglect to meditate it will makes you to discover and locate answer to the things of life

Don't neglect to find peace it will connect you to the answer of life. Don't neglect to document everything by means of writing. It will register your name in the school of life.

Don't neglect and don’t forget life is fast spend as time never stop for anybody. Each time you waste equivalent to some parts of your life that you waste. Don't neglect to study, it is the only solution to shame. Shame don't give notice of visitation, but you can live ready to prevent it.

Don't neglect to observe it will prevent you from repeating the same mistake, and prepare you to live above your equals.Don't neglect to save all that you can save, it will give you confidence to face all you are going to face and finally build capacity to stop fear. Save time, energy and resources.

Don't neglect to give thanks, it is the secret to multiplication, addiction and abundance. It will finally launch you into the world of unlimited capacity. Don’t forget to pray, it is the secret to get what you want on time, and to get what you desire and deserve. Don't neglect to give your life to Jesus He is the source to every good thing of life.

Don't forget to listen and pay attention to details. It will makes you to catch the moment of truth. Never neglect every little thing because everything matter. What you think that doesn’t matter will comes back to create the matter of your life.

Everything is for a reason as life is for a purpose. Everything breeds every other thing. The different from people that makes the different and the people don't is that the former embrace wisdom and attach importance to every little things and the latter never care-whatever that wants to happen can happen.

Never neglect given your best to acquire wisdom. Don’t neglect and don’t forget that everything count for or against you. Don’t neglect if you don’t want to regret.

This Is My Counsel For You Today…Because In The Multitude Of Counsel There Is Safety.

The Secret Man
Rotimi Adedokun
follow: @adedokunr

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Okonjo-Iweala taking Nigerians for granted — House JANUARY 12, 2014 BY NIYI ODEBODE

The House of Representatives Committee on Finance on Saturday said the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, was taking Nigerians for granted.

The committee said this in a statement by its clerk, Farouk Mustapha, in response to comments credited to Okonjo-Iweala in some newspapers.

Okonjo-Iweala reportedly said she would need time to respond to the 50 questions given to her by the committee.

The relationship between the minister and the committee turned sour last month when she was given the 50 questions to answer.

But on Saturday, the committee said it was awaiting the minister’s response to the questions.

It stated, “We view this as a welcome development as it denotes a vindication of the decision we took when she appeared before the committee on December 19, 2013. The committee knew that she would need time to answer the questions.

“The minister appears to be taking the memories of Nigerians for granted. This was the minister who walked into the meeting with the committee and drew everyone’s sympathy the moment she feebly announced that she was not feeling well.”

The committee stated that it was  curious then that when the minister was not feeling well she was prepared to address 50 questions in a session that was to last just about two hours.

It said now that she was fully fit, hale and hearty, she was saying she  would need more time.

The committee stated, “It is regrettable that while talking to reporters after the presentation of the report of the 15-year strategic partnership on debt management between UK and Nigeria, the minister accused critics of the huge domestic debt profile under her stewardship of lacking information.

“Interestingly, that is why the committee  invited her to share such information with Nigerians. It would also be an opportunity to let her know some of the things we know.”

According to the committee, the DFID whose collaboration with Nigeria she is so enthusiastic about has published a report on the 2014 Medium Term Expenditure Framework.

The lawmakers said it was high time the minister realised that Nigeria did not need any other country to “tell us that our economy is doing well, the least of which is Great Britain with its deep economic problems and huge domestic debt profile. Nigerians will positively feel the impact if their economy is really doing well as the minister claims.”

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