Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Proverbs 14:8
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: …..KJV
The prudent understand where they are going,...NLT

The knowledge that one has about himself is a trait of WISDOM. The good conduct of a wise is that he knows himself and manages himself well. If the purpose of a thing is unknown, then abuse in inevitable. If we understand how not to live, then, the knowledge of how to live becomes automatic. Our prudence as Christians consists in a right understanding of our way; It is to understand our own way, not to be critics and busybodies in other men's matters, but to look well to ourselves and ponder the path of our feet, to understand the directions of our way, that we may observe them, the dangers of our way, that we may avoid them, the difficulties of our way, that we may break through them, and the advantages of our way, that we may improve them—to understand the rules we are to walk by and the ends we are to walk towards, and walk accordingly.

Sobo Olayimikaakiri

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