Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Proverbs 14:8b
...but the folly of fools is deceit.KJV
…but fools deceive themselves.NLT

The bad conduct of a foolish man is that he puts a cheat upon himself. He claims he has the control over his actions; he backed himself with stupid references so as to prove himself right against warnings and instructions. In the real sense, he does not rightly understand his way; he thinks he does, and so misses his way, and goes on in his mistake, thus; his foolishness cheats him into his own ruin.
A man that cheats others see those he cheated as fools, he thinks he doing a great brain work, cautioning him will only attracts insult because to him, he has the control of the situation, but, time his deeds overcame him, and the situation hijacked the control from him, and his foolishness takes over…the result? Only he can tell.
When a guy or a lady is being cautioned, they feel the cautions were just a scare crow that does not exist; they feel it’s just an unrealistic threat that will deprive them enjoyment of their time….and the result? Too late to change.
CHECK! Are you being cautioned against a thing? Do you feel it’s just old age that is disturbing the elders that make them shout at your actions? Do you feel the message of living right is just a mere religious principle? DON’T be deceived by the distractions, those that claims they are in charge of those distractions are enslaved by its power, there is always the other side of the coin!

Sobo Olayimikaakiri

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